Wednesday 8 February 2012

Nederlands Dans Theater

Nederlands Dans Theater was established in 1959 - a group of 18 members of former Het Nederlands Ballet (Ballet of the Netherlands) broke away from the traditionally orientated company. Around Benjamin Harkarvy (ballet master and artistic director) and Carel Birnie (managing director) the new group was dedicated to the exploration of new forms of dance, using new techniques and open to new ideas and experimentation.

The first few years were hard, without any official financial support, without studios and, initially, without a regular audience. Even so, the company's persistence with programmes of artistic exploration soon won admiration for, and recognition of, its achievements.

With Harkarvy and Hans van Manen as resident choreographers other distinguished choreographers - including Americans Anna Sokolow and Glen Tetley - created a challenging repertory for the company which, during the sixties, was accepted as the most innovative and exciting dance group in Europe.

When Harkarvy and van Manen had left the company at the beginning of the seventies NDT entered into a period of uncertainty and transition culminating, in 1975, with the appointment of Jirí Kylián - initially in co-direction with Hans Knill as artistic director, an appointment that has proved, over nearly twenty years, one of exceptional prescience and progressive success.

Kylián was born in Prague in 1947 and his training included classical ballet, folk-dance and the modern technique of Martha Graham. In 1967 he won a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School in London and a year later was invited by John Cranko to join his company in Stuttgart where, while performing as a dancer, he began to develop his talent as a choreographer. When appointed artistic director of NDT he was only 28, an extraordinarily young age at which to shoulder such responsibilities. But his great abilities, not only as a choreographer but also as an artist able to engender enthusiasm and loyalty from everyone associated with the organisation, resulted in a company unique in its formation and accomplishments.

Nederlands Dans Theater is, now, unique in being three companies in one: NDT 1, the main company of 32 dancers; NDT 2, a group of 12 young dancers up to the age of 21 and with its own repertory, and NDT 3, a small group of dancers of 40 plus years who are able to bring all their accumulated experience and expertise to a repertory devised to exploit their theatrical presence. Thus NDT, as a three in one entity, is able to present to its audiences the whole working life-span of its artists. This year 1995, in celebration of Kylian's twentieth anniversary as director of the company, he has created 'Arcimboldo', a work that combines the multiplicity of talents that make up all three groups.

The three companies are also unique in not being based on a hierarchy: there are no echelons such as corps de ballet, coryphies, soloists and principals; all the dancers are of equal status. Finally, NDT is unique in having its own state-of-the-art theater in The Hague, with a magnificent stage, five studios and every necessary facility, perhaps the only theatre in the world specifically created for dance.

Although Kylián has created almost fifty works for the company he has wisely extended the repertory with works by several of the world's most renowned choreographers and in 1988 Hans van Manen returned to the company as resident choreographer. All the dancers in the company are classically trained as only with the daily practise of this most elaborate and precise discipline can they maintain the flexibility and stamina demanded of them.

Under Jirí Kilián's visionary direction, NDT has seen a continuous progression to a point of international pre-eminence, true to the original precepts propounded by Harkarvy, Birnie and their group in 1959 and, with its director still a relatively young man, there is every reason to believe that NDT will advance into the twenty-first century with the same questing exploration of the art which sustains it.

Last Updated-2011
Accessed-Wednesday 8th February 2012

Last Updated-2010
Accessed-Wednesday 8th February 2012

1 comment:

  1. Mats Ek became a member of the Nederlands Dans Theater from 1980 to 1981.
