Wednesday 8 February 2012

Mats Ek Mini-choreochronical

"Swan Lake"

"Sleeping Beauty"


1 comment:

  1. "Swan Lake" 1987

    Staging and Lighting
    -Proscenium arch theatre
    -Bland lighting

    -Tutus for men and women
    -Red beard
    -Black and white costumes representing good and bad people
    -Ashetically pleasing

    Themes and Movement
    -Ugly movement
    -Sharp movement
    -Flexed feet
    -Bent feet
    -See bums a lot
    -Psychotically insane

    "Sleeping Beauty" 1996

    Staging and Lighting
    -Purpose built set
    -Bland and box shaped set
    -One table
    -Dance made for camera

    -Dark green dress-chaki
    -Basic and clean

    Theme and Movement
    -Reworked story
    -Arm shapes
    -Offensive bum rubs to classical ballet

    "Fluke" 2002

    Staging and Lighting
    -Proscenium arch stage
    -One colour light
    -Bland and dark

    -Black and white costumes representing good and bad people
    -White dresses

    Themes and Movement
    -Angular movements
    Sense of belonging
    -Happy, quirky and sarcastic movements
    -Flexed feet
    -Diagonal travelling
