Saturday 17 March 2012

The Movement used within Mats Ek's 'Giselle'

In act one the technique shows a contrast in movement so this links to Martha Graham due to her method of breathing and impulse control; she named this contraction and release. Mats Ek is using styles which he learnt in the past as there is a lot of ballet used. Giselle runs around the stage which implies that she is free and does not have a care in the world and she performs movements like rolling, kicking and twisting on a low level. Hand gestures are used; Giselle draws circle with her hands. The farmers/ villages are marching in unison and it is like everybody's movements conveys their mood. You can clearly tell who the Royals are as their movements are less ugly. Albrecht and Hilarion's movements are very high and in the air.

In act two Giselle is crawling under a blanket conveying that she has turned mental and she uses very jerky movements to get up from the floor showing that she is not able to stand. Repetition is used a lot in this act as you can see the motifs been done over again and being developed as they perform. The use of levels is portrayed really well as it shows how the nurse, Myrtha (played by Lena Wennergren) is in charge and Giselle is being under her control.

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