Friday 9 December 2011

The Main Elements of the Romantic Ballet Period and the Social Context

  • Bell tutu so the ballerinas are only showing their ankles-this was so you could see their foot work and it was also fashion for the public in the era.

  • Wings on their backs and floaty arms to enhance the idea of the supernatural-the public wanted to see it and this also connected to the plea for escapism from industrialisation.


  • The point shoes create a weightlessness effect-this also creates a realistic love story.

  • Males are only there because they are used for support-there is a decline in males onstage to offstage but there strength is needed for the lifts used in ballet dances.

  • Sunset creating night scenes enhancing the supernatural theme-using gas lamps creating the moonlight effect.

  • Ballerinas performing little steps-this was fashion because the culture said that no legs should be shown and also movement vocabulary shows that the moves are not developed.

Setting of Performance
  • The invention of gas lighting within the theatre of the time to create night time scene.
  • The use of wires and trap doors to create the style og the performance.
  • Romantic ballet tutu (belle tutu). 

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